Thursday, February 18, 2010


Dear Influenza,
It is with utmost respect that I must ask you to please withdraw from my home, I would really appreciate it, for you see, I am getting a little lonely under this quarantine. It's not that you are bad company, although the aches, and not really being able to eat, and the weird fuzzy eyes might suggest the latter to some, but not to me of course. It's just that I have a job, and a family, not to mention friends that I'd like to see again. And I mean really, three days and counting is a lot of quality time to spend with a girl when you haven't made your intentions clear, what might the neighbors think?
So if you wouldn't mind, mightn't you be going soon?
Your slightly unwilling friend,
a.k.a. Girl Friday

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A secret/public journal...

The possibilities here are enticing, a blog? No one will read it, except people I would probably tell these things too anyways. Fairly safe I suppose, still a small amount of risk involved, but doable. Honestly, I'll probably forget that I made this, but for right now, this is a step in the direction of me voicing some thoughts and a little of my seemingly solitary life (as of late). I love living alone, and not like a blog will counter balance the situation, I need an outlet for any creative thoughts or otherwise that might creep in. :)
So to begin, here's a short little fun fact: I don't like red. I think the color intimidates me (to wear I mean) but no matter this history, I feel compelled to at least try and wear it on this momentous day, Valentine's. Luckily, my attempt failed and I ended up in yellow, a happy alternative that I rarely regret. :D If it were practical, I'd wear this outfit all day, but since it includes a 5inch (roundabout) yellow sandal heel, I'm gonna change. Safety first kids. Hope you enjoyed the first installment of what may or may not be a great blog. ;) First thing that's gonna have to go are these smileys, I'm losing self respect as I type.
Girl Friday