Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hey Friends! I'm in Buena Vista for the summer being the camp nurse at frontier Ranch! Hooray! And so, to catch you up to speed, here are a few pictures.
This is us starting out, it was a long, wonderful drive.

Here I am posing with a statue in Oklahoma, I'm not really sure if this is PC, but all I could think about was Peter Pan, and wanted to say "How." in my very deepest voice.

This is of the giant "Pop" outside of Pop's, on Route 66.

This is me "drinking" out of the shadow straw. I mean, who can resist a good shadow?

Buffalo. Enough Said.

This is the first of many posts to come. Hope you enjoyed.
Here's how you can pray for me so far.
  • Pray for my growth, I feel like I'm practicing the "drawing near" and excited to have the Lord respond.
  • Pray for my love for others, that I will be filled up and ready to always be pouring out.
  • Pray that I'm not homesick. haha. So far I'm just a smidge, and I think it will only get better.
Your's Truly.